The heat pump system of the new “Eszterházy” health center.
Szentlőrinc.2010.dec to February.
Calculated heat loss of the building: 29kW
Calculated heat load of the building: 45kW
Heat pumps to be installed: GBI24-HACW 2pcs
Heating power: 50kW (B40C / W400C)
Heating COP: 4.4 (B00C / W350C)
Active cooling capacity: 2 * 22.7 kW (W70C / B250C) Cooling COP (EER): 5.5 (W70C / B250C)
Designer: Geowatt Kft. (Small József, Zoltán Fodor)
Contractor: Geolight Kft.
Nursery, Sátoraljaújhely.-Nov-March 2010,
New Nursery with Vaporline GBI33-HACW heat pump and Geowall wall heating system.
Calculated heat loss of the building: 27kW
Calculated heat load of the building: 12kW
Cooling COP (EER): 5.9 (W70C / B250C)
Designer, contractor: Vaporline Kft. (Kis József, Kolozsi Attila)
“ALFÖLD AQUA” thermal bath
New “complete heat pump energy saving heat pump system.
The effluent 360C thermal water is waste heat recovery.
The inlet water temperature on the evaporator side of the heat pumps is 170C.
Heat pumps used:
Vaporline GBI33-HW pool water temperature, pool heating (170C / 320C) 46kW
Vaporline GBI33-HDW domestic hot water production, pool heating (170C / 500C) 52 kW
Vaporline GBI24-HW pool space floor heating, pool water heating (170C / 450C) 32.8kW
Vaporline GBI18-HW ventilation heater, pool heating (170C / 620C) 26.3 kW
NORDIC PC-75 1 pool air conditioning heat pump
Designer: GEOWATT kFT. (Igor Kmotricza, Zoltán Fodor)
Contractor: NELKE Kft.
Day care home, “Pitvaros”
Vaporline GBI33-HDW heat pump system
Existing building, radiator heating.
Calculated heat loss of the building: 31kW
Heat pumps to be installed: GBI33-HDW 1pc
A new type of two-capacitor to meet high DHW performance.
Heating power: 35.8kW (B400C / W630C)
Heating COP: 4.5 (B00C / W350C); 2.8 Number of probes:
5 pieces 100m geothermal probes (B40C / W630C)
The planned SPF = 4.2
Heat pump heating center
Designer, contractor: Vaporline Kft. (Kis József, Szomax Kft.)
“Pitvaros”, House of Culture heat pump system
Existing building, radiator heating.
Calculated heat loss of the building: 85kW
Heat pumps to be installed: GBI33-HACW 2pcs
Heating power: 71.6kW (B40C / W630C)
Heating COP: 4.5 (B0 / W350C) 2.8 (B40C / W630C)
Number of probes: 8 100m geothermal probes
The planned SPF = 4.2
Designer, contractor: Geowatt Kft. (Kis József, Szomax Kft.)
Heating of “Zalavíz” office building with “Vaporline” heat pump system (Aug. 2012)
The Zala waterworks heats your office building with a radiator system with heat extracted from drinking water!
Calculated heat loss of the building: 80kW
Built-in heat pumps: Vaporline GWI33-HDW 1 pc (two condenser heat pumps)
Vaporline GWI33-HW 1 pc (heater / DHW heat pump)
The planned SCOP = 4.0
Designer: Geowatt Kft.
Contractor: Zalavíz zRT ..
KIA car showroom, Fót heating-active cooling-DHW heat pump system (February 2012)
New car showroom with underfloor heating + fan-coil heating / cooling system
Calculated heat loss of the building: 76kW
Calculated heat load of the building: 100kW
Heat pumps to be installed: Vaporline GBI96-HACW
Heating power: 96kW (B00C / W350C)
Heating COP: 4.5 (B00C / W350C) Active cooling capacity: 110.8 kW (W70C / B250C)
Cooling COP (EER): 5.2 (W70C / B250C)
Number of probes: 16 pcs
Designer: Zsolt Balajti,
Redesigned by: Geowatt Kft.
Contractor: Geowatt Kft.
Heating modernization of “Szakályi” school
Vaporline GBI33-HW heat pump, existing building, radiator heating
Calculated heat loss of the building: 31kW
Heat pumps to be installed: GBI33-HW 1pc
Heating power: 35kW (B40C / W600C)
Heating COP: 3.0 (40C / W600C) Heating COP: 5.0 (B40C / W350C)
Number of probes: 5 100m 2-tube probes
Designer: Geowatt Kft.
“Szakályi” Lower School
Vaporline GBI33-HW / GBI18-HW with heat pump system. Existing building, radiator / heating
Calculated heat loss of the building: 52kW
Heat pumps to be installed:
GBI33-HW 1pc
GBI18-HACW 1pc
Number of probes: 8 100m 2-tube probes
Designer: Geowatt Kft.
Esztergom, factory hall heating, active cooling and DHW supply
New factory hall with underfloor heating + fan-coil heating / cooling system
Calculated heat loss of the building: 150kW
Calculated heat load of the building: 100kW
Heat pumps to be installed: Vaporline GBI96-HACW / GBI48-HW
Heating power: 150kW (B00C / W350C)
Active cooling capacity: 110.8 kW (W70C / B250C)
Number of probes: 26 pcs
Redesigned by: Geowatt Kft.
Contractor: Geowatt Kft.
The Pécs Regional Blood Supply Center heat pump system2014.aug.
New factory hall with underfloor heating + fan-coil heating / cooling system
Calculated heat loss of the building: 100kW
Calculated heat load of the building: 110kW
Heat pumps to be installed: Vaporline GBI96. Heating power: 100kW (B00C / W350C)
Active cooling capacity: 110.8 kW (W70C / B250C)
Number of probes: 16 pcs
Main contractor: ZÁÉV Zrt.
Redesigned by: Geowatt Kft.
Contractor: Geowatt Kft.

Nyergesújfalu, Cembrit Kft. Factory hall heating and active cooling
Heat pump system with a nominal heating capacity of 800 kW utilizing the waste heat of the plant / the water of the Danube river.
Built-in heat pumps: 4 pieces Vaporline GW205-H
(R410A) water-to-water snow pump.
Commissioning: 2015
Heat pump manufacturer and system designer:
Geowatt Kft.
Western Transdanubia hotel heat pump system (800kW)
5 pieces Vaporline GBI80-HACW and 3 GBI80-HW heat pumps were installed in the heating center.
The 5 pieces GBI80-HACW heat pumps are cascaded, twin-compressor, with controlled output for heating-active cooling and DHW production with desupeheaters.
The 2pieces GBI80-HWs also work in cascade connection, primarily for heating and maintaining the pools.
The 1pieces GBI80-HW heat pump primarily provides the DHW supply.
However, all three GBI80-HW heat pumps are able to assist with heating after the primary tasks have been performed. In addition, these 3 heat pumps can automatically operate in “simultaneous” mode. This means that in summer in active cooling mode, if there is a demand for DHW or pool heating, we do not return the heat extracted from the building to the ground, but use it. With the two useful work phases in this case, the current COP = 8-10!
Békés Swimming Pool
Pool and building heating by utilizing the heat of the runoff thermal water (waste heat).
The flow heating temperature demand is 700C. The heat pumps used are 3 GWT175-H, heat pumps utilizing waste heat specially designed for high discharge water temperature (350C) and high heating flow temperature. The heat pumps are connected in series on the evaporator side, so the 350C effluent thermal water is cooled in one step to 160C. The heating capacity of the in-line heat pumps is 372 kW.
The Siemens Albatros controllers built into the heat pumps can provide the right temperature level (50-700C) depending on the outside temperature. The system was designed, the heat pumps were manufactured by: Geowatt Kft. Execution: Main contractor: Geowatt Kft. Subcontractor: Békéstherm Plusz Kft.
Jabil CIRCUIT Magyarország Kft. (Tiszafüred)
200 kW rated heating / active cooling closed probe heat pump system.
The probes: 28 pieces 100m deep two-pipe
Heat pumps used:
Vaporline GBI96-HACW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer: Dénes Fojtó
Bonyhád, swimming pool
140kW closed probe heat pump system for heating and maintaining swimming pool water and DHW production.
For the operation of the system, 18 100m deep 2-tube probes are installed.
Heat pumps used:
2 pcs Vaporline GBI66-H
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer, contractor: TM Hidroszer Kft.
Training center Debrecen
Vaporline GBI09-H heat pump
Hotel Harkány
New building, radiant heating / ventilation.
Calculated heat loss of the building: 45kW
Heat pumps to be installed: GBI18-HACW; HDW-GBI09
Total heating power: 41.0kW (B250C / W600C)
Number of probes: 16 30m geothermal probes
Designer, contractor: Geowatt Kft. (Kmotricza Igor Kft.)
Póstelek factory halls
170 kW closed probe heat pump system for heating of production halls for technological and building cooling, DHW production.
To service the system, 24 pieces 100m deep 2-tube probes are installed.
Heat pumps used:
2 pcs Vaporline GBI80-HACW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer, contractor: Geowatt Kft.
Tiszagyenda General School
120 kW closed probe heat pump system for heating, active cooling and DHW supply in the School and day care center.
To service the system, 14pieces 100m deep 2-tube probes are installed.
Heat pumps used:
1pc Vaporline GBI66-HW; Vaporline GBI48-HACW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer, contractor: Geowatt Kft.
Inotal Zrt.
Technological oil cooling of Inotal Zrt., With a high-temperature heat pump operating in simultaneous (cooling-heating) mode.
Vaporline® GWT75-H (R134A) heat pump. The task is to cool the oil rolling mill of Inotal Zrt. To 300C. The abstracted heat is utilized for the heating of the office building and for the production of DHW at a high temperature level of 700C-750C (65kw heating capacity).
Casati Hotel Budapest
140 kW closed probe heat pump system for heating halls for technological and building cooling, DHW production.
To service the system, 16pc. 100m deep 2-tube probes are installed.
Heat pumps used:
2 pcs Vaporline GBI66-HACW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer: Sándor Zsédely construction engineer
Contractor: Geowatt Kft.
Bervina Ltd. Fót
70 kW closed probe heat pump system for heating halls for technological and building cooling, DHW production.
To service the system, 10pc. 100m deep 2-tube probes were installed.
Heat pumps used:
1 pc Vaporline GBI66-HACW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft.
Designer, Contractor: Geowatt Kft.
Mayor’s Office, Nagybajom
40kW closed probe heat pump system for process hall heating, technological and building cooling, DHW production.
To service the system, 7pc 100m deep 2-tube probes were installed.
Heat pumps used:
2pcs Vaporline GBI18HCW
Manufacturer: Geowatt Kft. Designer, Contractor: Geowatt Kft.